
Facts & Questions

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▶ How will I receive information?
JA Secondary informs our parents of important calendar events through the use of email so please check it frequently. Do not unsubscribe from the SchoolMessenger district email notification system unless you wish to never receive email to that account again. If you are not receiving emails, check your SPAM first, then notify the Mrs. Leoni.
▶ Who do I contact for:
• Questions regarding student fees – Mrs. Larson
• Questions regarding athletics – Mrs. Chichirico
• Questions regarding attendance – Ms. Murray
• Questions regarding enrollment or records - Mrs. Leoni
• Questions regarding Jeffco Connect or the Campus Parent Portal - Mrs. Leoni
▶ How do I contact teachers?
• All teachers have a jajags.com gmail account using their first initial & last name (John Doe: [email protected])
• DO NOT use Campus Portal to click on teacher names for emailing purposes. This email is sent to our district accounts which are infrequently checked.
• Please give teachers 48 hours to respond to your email.
• Please set up an appointment with a teacher rather than just walk-in. Teachers are always prepping for classes or helping students and would prefer to give you their undivided attention in a planned meeting.
▶ How do I access the JeffcoConnect and Infinite Campus programs:
JeffcoConnect –
to update important student/parent contact information, including emails, notification preferences, phone numbers, health and emergency information. School fees can be paid through Jeffco Connect, along with the option to pay for your child’s lunches through MyPaymentsPlus (MealPay).

Campus Parent Portal -
allows parents to see their child’s daily class schedule, check on student grades (by clicking on the subject), and check attendance.
• There are links available in the Parent Portal to the left.
• Use the SAME user name and password for both programs, JeffcoConnect and the Campus Parent Portal.
* You can access Infinite Campus through the JeffcoConnect program. This is a good way to make sure that your personal contact information is correct and then link to Infinite Campus to review grades.
• Each parent should have ONE Jeffco Connect/parent portal account. DO NOT create a new account if you had one last year. If you can't remember your account information at all, please contact the school. If you can remember your user name see next bullet.
• If you can remember your user name, YOU may reset your password by simply clicking on the “Forgot Password” link at the JeffcoConnect login page and the district will send you a new password via email. If you cannot remember your user name, please contact the school for further assistance.
• Do not log on on Wednesdays as that is typically the day that our district completes maintenance work. If the school or the district has reset your password, you may reset it back to your preference by simply logging into JeffcoConnect with what they gave you and click on the “Edit Security Information” on the left hand toolbar and follow the directions.
• A parent or guardian MUST have a valid email account in order to use the JeffcoConnect and Campus Parent Portal systems
• IMPORTANT effective immediately
1. ALL parents must first login to JeffcoConnect. If you see a “What’s Missing” text with green bar at top left instructing you to update your account as it instructs you to.
2. To complete the district digital signatures, you will want to click on the Agreements link on the left in the beige box. Read and review the agreements listed. To apply your digital signature, simply click on the word "sign" and a text box will appear. Once that is complete a current date will appear to indicate you have signed the agreement. Finally, be sure you are on the Summary page. If all the information is true and correct, you will want to click on the submit box on either the top or bottom left hand corners. If your signature is current, the submit box will be greyed out.
3. Parents will be locked out of the parent portal until JeffcoConnect is updated.
4. This is a new feature that parents will be required to complete every year after July 1st.
5. Parents should not be using a student user name and password for either of these programs. Please contact the school if you have not set up your own account yet. Each parent or guardian may have their own account.
▶ How do I interpret the grades I'm looking at?
• Possible points = The amount of points the assignment was worth
• Score = The actual points the student earned on the assignment. Other scores may include:
i. A = Absent
ii. E = Exempt or Excused
iii. M = Missing
• Percentage = Possible points/Score
• Comments = Anything the teacher wants to make you aware of (e.g. late, incomplete, no name, missing)
• If an assignment is listed, but does not have any score, this means that it has yet to be graded & input.
• If an assignment is listed with a MISSING comment, then this assignment was not turned in by your student. A missing assignment is counted as a zero.
▶ How do I know what my student's missing work is?
• Within each class, if the comment MISSING is used for an assignment, then this has not been turned in by your student. A missing assignment is counted as zero.
•DO NOT use Campus Portal “Reports:” Missing Assignments. This inaccurately lists assignments and is not dependable.
▶ How can I access my child’s class schedule?
• Visit the Campus parent portal and click on “Schedule.”
▶ Why are all assignments in Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 listed with the same due date?
• There is a glitch in the system during Q2 & Q4 for all semester long classes. The system forces us to list all assignments under the due date of 10/13/17 or 03/09/18. Because of this, teachers will include actual dates in the title of the assignment to help reduce confusion during these times.
▶ How do I print my child’s unofficial transcript/report card?
• Visit the Campus parent portal and click on “Reports.”
▶ Where do I find the Code of Conduct and the Parent/Student Handbook?
• The Code of Conduct and the Parent/Student Handbook can be found under Family Resources tab then Documents or use the Documents link at the left.
▶ What should I do if I received a phone call in the evening that my child has missed one or more classes?
• Go into your Campus parent portal account for your child and click on the Attendance link. (If you have multiple children in Jeffco-there is a drop down at the top of your home page to select child). At the bottom of the page you will see “Attendance Summary by Course”, click on the “Day” tab to see which block is affected (red & gold=unexcused). You will contact the teacher of that block directly to find out the status of the tardy or absence. If it is an all day absence you may call the office. All staff emails are first initial + last name @jajags.com – see staff list provided in this website.
▶ How do I arrange for early dismissal of my child?
• A parent or guardian will need to call the office well AHEAD of the scheduled appointment. A pass will be delivered to the student five (5) minutes ahead the time needed to alleviate delay once parent arrives to sign out the student. Students that drive will need the same phone call from a parent to excuse them from class and will sign out in the office before leaving the school.
▶ How do I excuse my child for an appointment which occurs through their lunch period?
• Again, please contact the office well AHEAD of the lunch period as it is very difficult to find a child during their lunch time. (See above question)
▶ How do I arrange a pre-arranged absence for my child?
• If a child is taking a pre-arranged absence with at least three days advanced notice, the parent can complete a pre-arranged absence form by clicking the button on the home page of our website. If it is not three days in advance, call it into the attendance line (see below).
▶ How do I notify the school if my child is sick or taking one day of absence?
• A parent or guardian must contact the office through the 24-hour attendance line 720-887-1992 x1
▶ Where can I find the JA Secondary lunch menu?
• The lunch program information can be found in the drop down menu under Family Resources or the Meal Program link at left.

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